Winds of Change - How Climate Change Makes Storms Worse

Winds of Change - How Climate Change Makes Storms Worse
Der Wind: Motor des Klimawandels

Genre Factual | Science
Format HD
Author Torsten Mehltretter
Director Torsten Mehltretter
Production Mehltretter Media for NDR/arte
Duration 52'
Year of production 2022
Wind regulates the movement of areas of high and low pressure between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. But climate change is transforming wind systems across the globe – with fatal consequences. Any fluctuation in our wind systems increases the likelihood of extreme weather events such as droughts and flooding. Meteorologists have been analyzing the reasons behind these changes in the Arctic, where temperatures are increasing faster than anywhere else on the globe. And they have already made some alarming discoveries. We are currently caught up in a vicious circle: climate change causes wind systems to shift, and this shift in turn accelerates climate change.