Lost in Fuseta II - Shadows full of traces (1)

Lost in Fuseta II - Shadows full of traces (1)
Lost in Fuseta - Spur der Schatten Teil 1

Genre Fiction | Series | Crime
Format HD
Cast Bianca Nawrath, Jan Krauter, Eva Meckbach, Daniel Christensen, Filipa Areosa, Anton Weil, Carlota Crespo, a.m.o.
Author Holger Karsten Schmidt
Director Felix Herzogenrath
Production 307 production GmbH
Duration 2 x 90', 4 x 45'
Year of production 2023
Leander Lost, a German inspector with the Policia Judicária, experiences Portugal as a land of sunshine. When his colleague Teresa disappears, Lost has no idea that this is connected to the visit of the Angolan journalist Flores Yola to Fuseta. With sub-inspectors Graciana Rosado and Carlos Esteves, he searches feverishly for the colleague. Only when Lost realises that a suspect is the victim of blackmail does the highly intelligent Asperger's autist fear a murderous plan. But there is little time to prevent further crimes. For “tracing shadows” leads the investigators to corrupt elites in Angola and unscrupulous contract killers.